Podcast Episodes
As we transition to video podcasts there may be a temporary delay in when audio podcasts are released. To watch the most recent podcast please visit the Frosted Gaming Video Podcast playlist on YouTube.
The Fish Bowl goes international. /r/NoSleep /r/TalesFromTechSupport /u/Airz23’s stories YouTube Tip Jar
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The Fish Bowl becomes the people they hate. FEZ Dev Says YouTube Let’s Plays Total Biscuit on FEZ Smash Bros. Project M War of the Monsters M.U.G.E.N. Planetary Annihilation Geoff Ramsey’s Mustache PS4 to Support Pre-loaded Games Compton, California Detroit Silverdome sold for $583,000 Sims 4 Won’t have Pools MoonSpider Spider-Man Cosplay Harley Davidson Electric…
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The Fish Bowl talks about a broad list of topics… or something. “Kingdom of Loathing” Grammar Test Nintendo May Buy Capcom (Rumor) Mega Man Creator vs. Capcom Mighty Number 9 People Like Grapes Shirt Keiji Inafune Different Types of Archery Bows Stephen Amell These Containers of Apple Juice Doctor Who Season 7’s Clara 90 Minute…
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The Fish Bowl talks about that big gaming thing that happens every once in a while. E3 2014 Zelda U Super Smash Brothers 4 Smash Fest 4 @ Best Buy Super Smash Brothers: Project M XMST3K on Twitch C4 Pre-Workout Winn Dixie Sweet Bay Rebranding Namco-Bandia Name Switch Destiny PS4-Only Beta Metroid Confirmed to Still…
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The Fish Bowl does one of those tangent things again. Butt to Butt Plugin Netflix Shaming Slow ISPs Google Video Quality Report Rooster Teeth Short Nazi Time Travelers Swappa (Phone Selling Website) Apple WWDC 2014 Roundup Angry Video Game Nerd – Sequel Logic In Jail for 18 Years Then Found Not Guilty – Reddit AMA…
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The Fish Bowl is visited by the Paris family! Edge of Tomorrow – Tom Cruise Snoop Dogg in “Racing Stripes” Trailer Mister Ed TV Show Real Life Jet Pack Donald Sterling Racist Remarks Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers Team for $2B Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Mark Cuban Apologizes for “Hoodie” Comment ZeniMax Sues Oculus Red vs…
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The Fish Bowl talks about copyright stuff and the future of Let’s Play style gaming. Operation Supply Drop | 8-Bit Salute YouTube Let’s Play Fair Use YouTube May Buy Twitch for 1 Billion Dollars Angry Joe ContentID Rant (Really Good Watch) Breaking the Meta YouTube Channel (Solwolf) FCC Chairman Get Bipartisan Grilling Over Net Neutrality…
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The Fish Bowl talks about bad (and good) customer service. Frosted Gaming Twitch Streaming Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2 Oculus 1 Billion Member MMO PS4 Light Bar Always Planned For Morpheus Sunset Overdrive – Insomniac Games Hover: Revolt of Gamers (Joey totally said Insomniac was Ubisoft) Frosted Gaming 8-Bit Salute Page Cards Against Humanity Super…
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The Fish Bowl gets pet cabbages. The Lodge (Tampa Restaurant) Frosted Gaming TV YouTube Channel Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Invitational at Best Buys Xbox Streaming service to compete with Netflix Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Halo: CE Legendary new Speed Run Record Chinese Youth Drag Around Cabbage on Leash Prom Crowd Surfing Video was Taken…
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The Fish Bowl talks about games, space travel, cheerleading, and stuff we don’t actually know about. Let’s Rage – Super Hexagon Tumblr and Instagram Self-Harm Warning Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-784-2433) Cheerleading Worlds Space Engineers Hover: Revolt of Gamers Kickstarter Occulus Rift Sonic Game – Roller Coaster – Holy Shit Sonic Game GDK Operation Supply Drop…
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