Episode #21

May 21, 2014

The Fish Bowl talks about copyright stuff and the future of Let’s Play style gaming.

Operation Supply Drop | 8-Bit Salute
YouTube Let’s Play Fair Use
YouTube May Buy Twitch for 1 Billion Dollars
Angry Joe ContentID Rant (Really Good Watch)
Breaking  the Meta YouTube Channel (Solwolf)
FCC Chairman Get Bipartisan Grilling Over Net Neutrality Proposal
AT&T Largest Telecommunication Company
AT&T Split (Breakup of the Bell System)
Halo Xbox One Remakes
Indie Database
Adobe Creative Cloud
Frosted Gaming Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce Challenge
Annie League of Legends Champion
Texting 911
Halo 5: Guardians
Namco Soul Caliber “Pay-to-Win” Model